Author Edwin A. Abbott
Title Flatland
A Romance of Many Dimensions

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Try to imagine what you cannot possible imagine because it does not follow from the axioms starting from which you can imagine. Since you cannot do that, imagine instead that you can imagine that.

Flatland is a classis novel of science fiction. There's no doubt that it makes a good, short read. I enjoyed it. I wasn't as impressed by the main theme of the book, the fact that the world of the book has only two dimensions, as I was by the fact that all of the inhabitants of this world are nearly all regular shapes, as though we should expect to be near perfect cubes and near perfect spheres in our three dimensional world instead of the irregularily shaped creatures we are! The regularily of the inhabitants imposes a lot of rigid social structure that is actually the most interesting aspect of the book (as long as you don't take to believing that we should aspire toward such a structure).